TASUED Admission Brochure for 2016/2017 session
Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED admission
brochure containing the admission requirements for the 2016/2017
academic session for both UTME and Direct entry candidates.

Following the announcement of the commencement of the sales of Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED post UTME/DE form, authorities of the institution released the admission requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Programme for both UTME and Direct Entry Candidates.
1. WAEC/NECO Senior School Certificate (SSC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O’Level), or their equivalents with credits in five (5) subjects obtained at one sitting or six (6) credits at not more than two sittings. National Technical Certificate/National Business Certificate (NTC/NBC) is acceptable for Vocational courses only.
2. Nigeria Certificate in Education (N.C.E.) with at least Merit in 2 core subjects, GCE A’Level, HND (for some courses) in relevant areas with at least Upper credit, Cambridge (A level) Certificate, Academic Diploma from recognized Universities (for some courses) (in relevant areas) are required in addition to (1) for Direct Entry. Advanced National Technical/Business Certificate (ANTC, ANBC) is acceptable for Vocational courses only.
* A credit in O’Level English language is required for all courses
2. Credit in Literature in English is required for English Language.
3. A credit in at least one science subject is required for Mathematics.
4. Candidates wishing to study Educational Management should have obtained credit in English Language, Mathematics and Economics at the Ordinary Level.
5. Credits in any two (2) of Geography, Economics, Government, Commerce, Christian Religious Knowledge, Islamic Religious Knowledge, History and Yoruba are acceptable for the study of Social Studies.
6. Candidates wishing to study Counselling Psychology with teaching subject options in science and social sciences must have credit in Mathematics.
Following the announcement of the commencement of the sales of Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED post UTME/DE form, authorities of the institution released the admission requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Programme for both UTME and Direct Entry Candidates.
hope this will help solve the problem of students choosing programmes
not relevant to their UTME and SSCE subjects combination.
The admission requirements for Bachelor’s Degree Programme for both UTME and Direct Entry Candidates are as follows:FOR UTME 4-YEAR PROGRAMME*
1. WAEC/NECO Senior School Certificate (SSC), General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O’Level), or their equivalents with credits in five (5) subjects obtained at one sitting or six (6) credits at not more than two sittings. National Technical Certificate/National Business Certificate (NTC/NBC) is acceptable for Vocational courses only.
2. Nigeria Certificate in Education (N.C.E.) with at least Merit in 2 core subjects, GCE A’Level, HND (for some courses) in relevant areas with at least Upper credit, Cambridge (A level) Certificate, Academic Diploma from recognized Universities (for some courses) (in relevant areas) are required in addition to (1) for Direct Entry. Advanced National Technical/Business Certificate (ANTC, ANBC) is acceptable for Vocational courses only.
* A credit in O’Level English language is required for all courses
1. A credit in O’Level Mathematics is required for all Sciences, Vocational and Technical and Social Science-based courses.2. Credit in Literature in English is required for English Language.
3. A credit in at least one science subject is required for Mathematics.
4. Candidates wishing to study Educational Management should have obtained credit in English Language, Mathematics and Economics at the Ordinary Level.
5. Credits in any two (2) of Geography, Economics, Government, Commerce, Christian Religious Knowledge, Islamic Religious Knowledge, History and Yoruba are acceptable for the study of Social Studies.
6. Candidates wishing to study Counselling Psychology with teaching subject options in science and social sciences must have credit in Mathematics.
The following courses are available in the underlisted Colleges:A. College of Applied Education and Vocational Technology
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Technical Education with options in: (i) Automobile Technology (ii)Metal (iii) Building (iv) Woodwork (v) Electrical/Electronics
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Secretarial Administration and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Home Economics & Hotel Management and Education
- B.Ed. Educational Management
- B.L.S. Library & Information Science and Education
- B.Ed. Counselling Psychology
- B.Ed. Early Childhood Education
B. College of Humanities
- B.A. (Ed.) History and Diplomatic Studies and Education
- B.A. (Ed.) Christian Religious Studiesand Education
- B.A. (Ed.) Creative Artsand Education
- B.A. (Ed.) Islamic Studiesand Education
- B.A. (Ed.) Frenchand Education
- B.A. (Ed.) English Studiesand Education
- B.A. (Ed.) Yorubaand Education
C. College of Sciences and Information Technology
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer Science and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Biology and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Physics and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Mathematics and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Chemistry and Education Department
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Human Kinetics and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Health Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Agricultural Production and Management Science and Education
D. College of Social and Management Sciences
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Economics and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Political Science and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Geography & Environmental Management and Education
- B.Sc. (Ed.) Social Studies and Education
EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENTWith Teaching subject options in: Computer, CRS, ISS, Yoruba, English Language, Mathematics, French, History, Political Science, Social Studies, Physics, Geography, Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Integrated Science, Physical Education, Health Education | Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE (Merit/Credit) in relevant teaching subjects.*OND/HND with upper credit | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Economics and other subjects from Arts, Social Science or science. | English Language the subjects of specialization and one each from Arts and Social Sciences or Science. | |
LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE (Merit/Credit). Diploma in Library Studies from recognized institutions with upper credit. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics and three other relevant Arts/ Science/Social Science subjects | Any three subjects | |
COUNSELLING PSYCHOLOGY | As in Educational Management | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Biology and other Subjects from Arts, Social Sciences or Sciences. | Any three subjects | Credit in Mathematics is compulsory for those with teaching subject options in science and social sciences |
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit/Credit in Primary Education Studies plus one approved teaching subject | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, and other Subjects from Arts, Social Sciences or Sciences subjects. | Any three subjects | |
TECHNICAL EDUCATIONWith options ini. Automobile Technology ii. Metal iii. Building iv. Electrical/ Electronics v. Woodwork | i. NCE with at least merit in two relevant science subjects plus UTME requirement.ii. OND/HND with upper credit ina. Mechanical engineering b.Electrical/Electronics c. Building Technology | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics plus one of the following: chemistry, Biology, Applied Electricity, Technical Drawing, Woodwork, Basic Electronics, metal work and auto mechanics or NTC/NBC subjects. | English Language, Mathematics and any two subjects from physics, chemistry, Technical Drawing, Applied Electricity, Woodwork, Basic Electronics, metal work and auto mechanics or NTC/NBC subjects. | A pass in Chemistry is required. |
BUSINESS EDUCATION | i. NCE with at least merit pass in teaching subject.ii. OND/HND with upper credit in Business Education, Commerce, Accounting and any other related discipline. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings in English, Mathematics and any other three subjects in Social Science or Arts which must include Economics.ii. NTC/NBC certificate. | English Language, Mathematics, Economics and other Social Science/Arts subjects. | |
SECRETARIAL ADMINISTRATION AND EDUCATION | i. Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Credit/Merit passes from Economics, Accounting & Business Management.ii. OND/HND in Secretarial Administration with upper credit | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings in English, Economics and other two subjects either from Social Science or Arts or commercial. (A pass in Mathematics is required.ii)For NBC holders, three other subjects could be from any of the following: office practice, Secretarial duties, Principle of Account, Shorthand 80 WPM and Typewriting 35 WPM. | English Language, Economics and any two other Social Science/Arts subjects | i. NTC/NBC Certificate is acceptable.ii. A pass in Mathematics is required. |
HOME ECONOMICS & HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATION | i.NCE in Home Economics with a minimum of Merit Pass.ii.GCE ‘A’ level in two of Chemistry, Biology and Agricultural Science.iii.OND/HND
with upper credit in Home Economics or Food Science or Hotel and
Catering Management or Textile Technology or Tourism related courses and
any other related courses. | Five GCE ‘O’ level or NTC/NBC Credits at one sitting or six GCE ‘O’ level/NTC or NBC credits at two sittings including English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from: Food & Nutrition, Home Management, Clothing & Textile, Agricultural Science, Biology, Economics, Health Education and Chemistry minimum of a pass in Chemistry is required. | English, Mathematics and any two subject from Biology, Agricultural, Physics or Chemistry | i) NBC/NTC Certificate is acceptable.ii) A pass in Chemistry is required. |
YORUBA AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit in Yoruba and any other subject in Arts and Social Science subjects or the equivalent of ‘A’ level Diploma certificate in Yoruba. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language and two other Arts or social science subjects. | English and any other three subjects from Arts/Social Science. | |
ENGLISH STUDIES AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes to include Literature in English. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include Literature in English, English Language and at least one other Arts subject. | Literature in English, one arts subject and one other subject in Arts/Social Science. | At least a Merit pass in each of the combined NCE teaching subjects including English Language is compulsory. A credit pass in General English will not be used in lieu of ‘O’ level credit pass in English. |
FRENCH AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit in French and any other subject in Arts and Social Science subjects or the equivalent of ‘A’ level Diploma certificate in French. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English and any other Arts or Social Science subjects. | English and any other three subjects from Arts and Social Science | i. Diploma de l’Alliance Fransaise 2e degree |
ISLAMIC STUDIES AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit in ISS and other Arts or Social Science subjects. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language and other subjects in Arts/ Social Sciences. | English and three other subjects from Arts/Social Sciences. | i. Diploma in Arabic/Islamic Studies from recognized institutions |
CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level/ NCE Merit passes to include CRS and one other subject in Arts/ Social Sciences | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language and other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences. | English and any other three subjects in arts or Social Sciences. | i. Diploma in Christian Religious Studies from recognized institutions. |
Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit passes in History, Political Science,
Social Studies and Christian/ Islamic Religious Studies and any other
related subjects.OND/HND with upper credit Mass
Communication/Journalism, Public Administration, Public Relations,
Business Studies and Business Administration.ii. University Diploma in Tourism (Up-per Credit). iii. University Diploma with Upper Credit in Mass Communication. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, History/Government and any other subject from Arts and Social Science. | English Language, History/Government and two other subjects from Arts and Social Science. | History and any other two subjects from Arts and Social Science. |
CREATIVE ARTS AND EDUCATION | i. NCE with at least a Merit pass in Fine and Applied Arts (Double Major), Music or related discipline will be an added advantage.ii. ‘A’ level passes in Fine Art and Music and any other subject will be an added advantage.iii. OND/HND (Upper Credit. | G.C.E. ‘O’ level or NTC, NBC Credit/Merit in five/six subjects at one/ two sit-tings including English Language | English Language and any other three subjects. | NABTEB, NBC/NTC Certificate is acceptable. |
AGRICULTURALPRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES AND EDUCATIONWith options in:i. Agricultural Economics ii. Agricultural Ex- tension & Rural Development iii. Agricultural Production & Renewable Resources. | TWO ‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit in Chemistry and one from Biology/Botany/Agric. Science, Economics, Physics, Geography and Geology /Mathematics (Pure and Applied) OND/HND with upper credit in Agriculture or Animal Health from recognized Polytechnic or College of Agriculture | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Bio-logy/Agric. Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and any one /two of Geography, Physics and Economics | Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any one of Physics and Mathematics | i. ‘O’ level Credit pass in Agricultural with at least a pass in Biology. |
‘A’ level passes/NCE Merit including Chemistry and one of Physics,
Mathematics, and BiologyOND/HND with upper credit in the following area:i) Applied Chemistry ii)Science Laboratory Technology (with Chemistry option) iii) Chemistry | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings including English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, and any other two or three subjects from Biology, Geography, Physics, Agricultural Science, Additional (Further) Mathematics and Economics | English Language, Chemistry, and any other two from Biology Physics, Agricultural Science or Mathematics. | |
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | i. Two ‘A’ level passes in Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and any two/ three subjects from Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Geography and Agricultural Science | English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry | |
MATHEMATICS AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level subjects including Mathematics and any Science subject. Or NCE with at least merit in Mathematics, and one other approved Science or Social Science subject.*OND/HND upper credit in Mathematics/Statistics, Statistics, Mechanical, Computer and Electrical Engineering. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, and at least two subjects from Biology, Physics, Statistics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics, Economics & Geography | English Language, Mathematics, and two other subjects from Science | Agricultural Science is not acceptable as a Science subject |
PHYSICS AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level passes in Physics and one of Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology. NCE merit in two core subjects including Physics and one of Mathematics, Chemistryand Biology.*OND/HND with upper credit in Physics or Physics with Electronics or Electronics | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other 2/3 subjects from Biology, Chemistry, Geography, Additional (Further) Mathematics, Agricultural Science and Computer Science. | English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any other Science subject | |
BIOLOGY AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level/NCE Science subjects to include Biology.*OND/HND with upper credit in the following specialization:i) Science Laboratory Technology-option in Biology, Chemistry & Microbiology. ii) Anatomy, physiology and Biochemistry iii) Food Technology | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology Physics or Geography. | English Language, Biology, Chemistry and one other Science subject. | |
HEALTH EDUCATION | i. NCE with at least Merit in related subjects – Physical Education, Health Education, Biology, plus UTME requirement.ii. Registered Nurse plus UTME requirementiii. Two ‘A’ level passes in Physical Education, Health Education, Biology, plus UTME requirement | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language and at least one Science subject and Mathematics. | English Language, and three other relevant subjects | Diploma in Health Education from re-cognized institutions with Upper Credit. |
HUMAN KINETICS AND EDUCATION | Same as in Health Education | Same as in Health Education | Same as in Health Education | Diploma in Physical Education from recognized institutions Upper Credit |
POLITICAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION | Three ‘A’ level passes/NCE Credit/Merit toinclude Government or History.*OND/HND with upper credit in Public Administration or Local Government | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings in English, Mathematics, Government or History, and three/four other subjects. | Government or History, Economics plus any other Social Science/Arts subjects. | Any two ‘A’ level passes in relevant subjects. |
ECONOMICS AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level/NCE Merit in Economics and any one ofMathematics, Statistics, Geography, Agric. Science, Accounting, Business Management, History and Government. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings including English, Mathematics, Economics and any two/ three Social Science or Science Subjects. | Economics, Mathematics and any of Government, History, Geography, Commerce, Accounting | The relevant Arts and Science subjects are: History, Further Mathematics, Agricultural Science should include: Two ‘A’ level passes but ‘O’ level credits should include Mathematics and Economics. |
SOCIAL STUDIES AND EDUCATION | (i) Two ‘A’ level/ NCE (Credit/ Merit) in Economics, Government /Political Science, Religious Studies, History, Geography and Social Studies.(ii) National Diploma (OND) (Upper Credit) relevant and recognized University Diploma (Upper Credit) TASUED Degree Foundation may be accepted.*OND/HND with upper credit in Public Admission, Local Government Administration | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, and Social Science Subject. | Two Social Science and any other subjects | Pass in Mathematics is accepted |
GEOGRAPHY &ENVIRONMEN-TAL MANAGE-MENT (GEM) AND EDUCATION | Two ‘A’ level/NCE Merit in Geography and any one of Social Science SubjectsOND/HND with upper credit in Town Planning, Urban & Regional Planning, Land Surveying, Meteorology, Environmental Science, Civil Engineering. | Five ‘O’ level credits at one sitting or six ‘O’ level credits at two sittings in English Language, Geography, Mathematics and any two/ three from Social Sciencesor Sciences | Any three from the following: Geography, Economics, Government, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Agricultural Science, Accounting, Commerce | Diploma in Environ-mental Management, OND in Town planning, Estate Management, Surveying, Diploma in Geography Information System, Cam-bridge ‘A’ level at least two papers related to the course of study, and any other related subjects acceptable to the University. |
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